Saturday, April 15, 2017

My Final Post!!!

This entire project has been a great experience, and I thank you for reading my posts and following along with me! Even though my plants did die at the end, I still enjoyed the project and hopefully will be able to start the project back up again after Spring Break. I've learned so much over the course of this project. While I didn't have enough time during my TED talk to share everything that I've learned with you, I know have some time for reflections. There are a few important things that I learned.

1. Even though it my not be as interesting, the details are important: This is something that I generally struggle with (If you don't believe me just ask my math teacher). This wasn't necessarily something I didn't know, but in building the system it was reinforced. I was forced to slow myself down and focus on the details so I knew the system would work.

2. The value of hobbies: Here's on that's not all that hard to believe, I spend most of my time studying and at school. While in general this is a good idea, I can forget to slow down and do things that I like. Over the course of this project, as I worked with my plants, I enjoyed myself and had time to enjoy myself.

3. I really like plants: I already knew that I liked biology, but I've always been uncertain as to what type of biology I was interested in. While learning everything about plants I had to for this project, I found myself incredibly interested and diving in beyond what I had to know for the project. I hope that in the future I will be able to continue learning about plants.

Well, that's it. That's what I learned. Of course I learned about hydroponics, and plants, but the things that I thought made this project a success were the lessons I learned above about myself. I know that this has been an important journey to me, so I hoped that you enjoyed reading.

1 comment:

  1. When you start your hydroponics back up again, are you planning on growing the same plants or growing a different variety? Or maybe a combo of both? Also, I think I recall a dude who graduated a few years back who had this whole hobby with carnivorous plants. Maybe you should get in touch with him to do some cool collaboration?
